This blog is a direct copy from my book  ” YOU ARE WISER THAN YOU THINK”.    This information will set the stage for becoming more informed on how to integrate your three selves successfully and easily in the following blogs.

For easy translation:  Spirit is also called the Higher Self,  Emotions are also known as the Smaller self and Intellect is also known as the Middle Self.

Higher Self or Spirit

The higher self is not motivated by our needs but by what is good for us as a whole being. The higher self knows the direction our life needs to take in order for us to accomplish what it is we came here to do.  The higher self is not clouded by emotions, and therefore, not mislead by the illusions that can confuse us and take us off our path. It is a powerful teacher and the most direct way to deliver information that will truly make guidance effective.

It can take information and gradually release it into the person’s awareness until they can understand it.

Higher selves will work together as a team. This means if you consciously work from your higher self then your higher self will, in turn, work in harmony with the higher self of others thus achieving the best result for all concerned.

The Higher self often doesn’t relate to the material world, and though the ‘let go and let God’ is a wonderful process, it is necessary to have a balance of the three selves to live within that belief.

Middle Self  or Intellect

The middle self is the bridge between the higher self and the smaller self or emotional self. It is our voice of reason. The middle self gets more involved in the processing of information and helps to keep us centered so we are able to reason.

The middle self is great for appealing to when you want to move someone out of emotion and into reason.

If you are too much in your middle self, you will find that you may lack imagination, flexibility and spontaneity. You will also be over critical of yourself and others. The middle self needs the influence of the higher and the smaller self in order to keep itself balanced.

Smaller Self or Emotional Self

This is a wonderful part of our make up and can be our strongest ally, worst enemy or most damaged and frightened child. Our emotions are extremely powerful when it comes to the way in which we communicate.

The smaller self is a great team player once it trusts you.  If you can get someone (this includes yourself) emotionally involved in something you have a great start on the situation. Once you win the smaller self’s trust and willingness to co-operate, you are then ready to move forward to gaining the trust and co-operation of the middle and higher selves.

If your smaller self is running your life, you will be on an emotional roller coaster and constantly dealing with drama.  The smaller self needs the wisdom of intellect and protection of spirit to be able to make sound decisions that can be put into action in your life.

Who is running your life?

Do you have trouble being around people who are different from you?  If you are low key, do high-energy people wear you out?  Do you find that you do the same thing and go the same places because it’s easier? Do you have the same excuses for everything; cost too much, takes too much time, I’ll do it later when I have such and such in place.  This is how our life looks when we have allowed one of our selves to dominate our choices instead of all three of your selves influencing your decisions.

See if this seems familiar:

Your middle self is running the show if you spend much of your time trying to stay realistic in dealing with life. Paying those bills, being very responsible and having no time for fun until that is taken care of.  And then when that is taken care of, there will be something else that has to be done first.  Play never happens.

If your smaller self is in control you may forget to pay the bills because you have been out shopping. Or, you may find yourself so caught up in the drama of life that you are too emotionally stimulated that you can’t seem to come up with a plan to solve the problem. You find yourself spinning your wheels or on an emotional roller coaster.

Or last but not least, your higher self.   Not being grounded: as in; what bills, oh, I need to pay those?

You will find your life will become a lot more fun and productive once you start to work with each aspect of your self. There will be times when it will benefit you to let one self be more dominant, but the important thing is that it is a conscious choice.

Here are some situations which all of us have been in where we allow one self to “run the show” to get the job done. Even though the other selves are still present, we consciously let one self dominate.

 1        It’s time to do your taxes so you consciously move into your middle self, the intellect, and get it done.

2        It’s time to play with your kids, so you allow yourself to lighten up and go out and play.

3        You need to “be big” about something and let someone have their way even though you might not agree. You know they need to win this time so you put your ego on hold and step into your higher self and allow.

Being able to let one self “lead” is a good sign that your three selves are clear on what their task is and as a result, you are able to focus and get the job done effectively and easily with your three selves working as a team.

When each of the selves wants to be in charge at the same time there arises an internal struggle. In this situation our life can become a casualty of the struggle and we lose control over the out come of the situation.

Some scenarios could be:

Small self in charge –

You sit down to do your taxes but have to have the television on knowing full well that you are setting yourself up to get distracted so a one hour job, takes three.  And the real kicker is you know that is what will happen and do it anyway.

 Middle self in charge –

Perhaps, with good intent, when you play with your children you have an overwhelming desire to point out faults instead of letting it go and enjoy the playtime.

 When the spiritual self is not present –

Or, no matter how much you would like to let that person have his/her way you just have to have the last word as they walk out the door even though you know, doing so, will gain nothing positive.

So, what’s going on?  Basically, your three selves are all fighting to run the show and there is no communication between the selves or with your conscious mind so there is no exchange of information occurring. Everyone is fighting over the same bone, and all are only coming away with a piece. As a result, you are having a constant struggle to get anything completed.

 Your middle self doesn’t trust your child to have fun because your child is not responsible.

Your child doesn’t like your middle self because it doesn’t know how to lighten up and keeps messing things up by trying to force everything.

Your higher self isn’t heard by either of the others because they are always fighting over who is right, and therefore your spiritual life is getting almost no attention and you feel like you have no purpose.

And you wonder why you can’t make a decision about what you want to do in your life!

In the next couple of blogs we are going to put some of this into action,  get all of the aspects talking and bring about internal peace and external success in your life.

One comment

  1. Ethalina says:

    Interesting article!
    I find that my middle self only presents itself in work & formal situations. At home, relaxing, etc., my smaller self takes over to an extent where I don’t even touch my work at home.
    My bigger self is philosophical, but it is almost never put to practice. =/
    I look forward to learning how to balance all these three selves.
    Thank you!

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